We're sorry... Your request could not be completed due to the following error:
The following error was given in module /pcrbin/regfirst.aspx:
5: Length cannot be less than zero. Parameter name: length
at System.String.Substring(Int32 startIndex, Int32 length) at Extensions.Mid(String str, Int32 Start, Int32 Length) in D:\LIVE\Source\CGI4VB\Extensions.vb:line 342 at CGI4VB.Encrypt_SessionId(String cleartext_pcrid, eENCRYPTION_KEY_SCOPE key_scope, Boolean base32, Boolean isCustomPCRID) in D:\LIVE\Source\CGI4VB\CGI4VB.vb:line 5370 at CGI4VB.Encrypt_SessionId(String cleartext_pcrid, Boolean base32, Boolean isCustomPCRID) in D:\LIVE\Source\CGI4VB\CGI4VB.vb:line 5346 at CGI4VB.LoadReg_Internal(String sessionCookie, Boolean skiptimestamp) in D:\LIVE\Source\CGI4VB\CGI4VB.vb:line 4332 at CGI4VB.LoadReg(String encryptedSessionCookie, Boolean skiptimestamp) in D:\LIVE\Source\CGI4VB\CGI4VB.vb:line 4205 at PCRCGI.CGI_Main() in D:\LIVE\Source\Candidate Web Extensions\REGFIRST\PCRCGI.vb:line 38 at CGI4VB.Main_Internal(String queryString) in D:\LIVE\Source\CGI4VB\CGI4VB.vb:line 1522 at CGI4VB.MainEx(String EXEName, WatchDogTimer watchDog, String queryString) in D:\LIVE\Source\CGI4VB\CGI4VB.vb:line 1484
Pair(1, 'uid')=ro resource solutions.roresourcesolutions
Pair(2, 'regopt')=
Pair(3, 'pcr-id')=********
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